Monday, August 9, 2010

CACing it.

So we have to do weekly reflections about our cultural adjustment, here is mine for this week. It is very deep, so be weary.

1. What preparations do you feel you still have to make for Departure Day and your life after Orientation?
Well, this is all on me, but I do not feel super confident in my ability to speak all of the Korean greetings to my principal and co-teacher. But I know that a smile goes a long way and it will be alright if I am not 100% perfect right away. I am really excited to be a part of a school community again. Having taught for two years I know the important role that all the teacher play in making sure that the school environment is a positive and productive one so I am incredibly thrilled. It had been a little hard this week because my school (technically ex-school... but I am having a hard time letting go) started this Monday and the teachers that I was close with have written to me to say that they miss my presence but that the school is doing really well and even mentioned some of my students. After only a week they have a lot of amusing stories to share and it seems like the world did not collapse at bici north just because I left. Likewise, the world will not end if something unfavorable occurs during my initial meeting with the principal. However, i do want to make a positive first impression and will persistently study the notes that we were given in order to make that a reality.

2. What is your biggest fear about your first week at your placement? What are you most looking forward to during your first week at your placement?

I am most looking forward and also dreading at the same time having to huddle around a dictionary with my host family in order to communicate. I think it will be a great learning curve bc I will finally be away from all my friends and most English speakers, however, it will be tough to have myself muted for a short period of time until I have the vocabulary and knowledge to speak to my host family without needed assistance. I really really hope that my host family has children. I have a younger brother and though he has not been very little for a very long time I do enjoy having brother-sister interactions and value that closeness. Ideally I will get to recreate parts of that relationship with my host siblings. On another note, I am also looking forward to getting lost, often. It seems like a few short weeks ago our own home here in Geosan was uncharted territory. If I can now get to kimbap heaven with my eyes closed it means that a change of scenery is needed. Exploration is very exciting and I cannot wait to take a crack at a big city.

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